On September 3rd, 2021, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the GPDP – Italian data protection authority), issued an official request to the local Health authority USL Roma 3, to provide information about its deploying of AI technologies to combat Covid19.
The EIT Health Consultative Group, which includes as a member Professor Theodore Christakis (AI Regulation Chair at MIAI and co-director of the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute), submitted this report to provide informed views on the European Commission’s Data Strategy and AI White Paper.
On February 25,2020, the Consumer Technology Association launched the “first-ever industry-led standard for AI in health care”.
Welcome to AI-Regulation.com, the website of the Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence at MIAI Grenoble Alpes!
Health AI can offer great benefits to society as preventing diseases, healing, or finding remedies. However, it carries important risks.