The Chair at a glance

Welcome to AI-Regulation.com, the website of the Chair on the Legal and Regulatory Implications of Artificial Intelligence at MIAI Grenoble Alpes!

The Chair has been chosen by an international panel of experts to form part of the Multidisciplinary Institute on Artificial Intelligence created at the Université Grenoble Alpes, following a particularly competitive selection process commissioned by the French Government. 

Our members are experts in law, economics, computer and data science, all actively working in the fields of data protection, privacy, cybersecurity and AI and regularly interviewed by international media. They collaborate actively with and provide expert advice to major national, European & international institutions. The Chair is built upon the highly successful interdisciplinary network created within the Grenoble Alpes Data and Cybersecurity Institutes. Its objective is to become a valuable contributor regarding the legal and regulatory questions raised by artificial intelligence and to contribute to national and international debates on these issues.

Scientific objectives and context

AI has the potential to make breakthrough advances in several areas, but its growing applications raise complex questions and provoke broad concerns throughout society. How can we guarantee that AI is designed and used responsibly? How do we establish ethical and legal rules to protect people, avoid bias and help establish fair and adequate liability schemes? The main mission of the chair will be to research how regulation can support sustainable and ethical innovation.

How should the requirements of fairness, non-discrimination, meaningful human oversight, respect for privacy, safety, transparency, accountability and effective redress be implemented and applied in the different fields of application of AI? How can we open the algorithmic “black-box” – thus facilitating the auditability and scrutiny of AI Systems – while at the same time preserving industrial secrets? What are the different legal models of liability and responsibility that we need to design when it comes to algorithmic systems? How should we interpret and apply existing rules to AI, such as the GDPR or technology-neutral rules related to human rights, non-discrimination and competition law? What are the potential legal loopholes and how can we adopt a risk-based approach in order to elaborate new rules? How should we regulate AI’s use in a way that is beneficial to society and protective of fundamental rights while at the same time ensuring that innovation is not hindered and legal regimes do not become obstacles to AI’s development?

Our website

Our website aims to become a forum to provide some answers to these questions and share the results of our research as well as insights on these issues from external collaborators and contributors. We will publish substantive articles and reports as well as brief notes and news updates on worldwide developments in AI regulation.


The Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence aims to conduct research in artificial intelligence at the highest level, offer attractive courses for students and professionals at all levels, support innovation in large companies, SMEs and start-ups and inform and interact with citizens on all aspects of AI. Financed by the IDEX of Grenoble, the MIAI operates in two main fields of study, spread over 7 axes. The first domain aims to offer the highest level of research for the artificial intelligence of the future within technical chairs in learning and reasoning, material and embedded architectures as well as perception and interaction. The second area aims to ensure artificial intelligence for humans and the environment by focusing on research on AI in society, health, the environment and energy, and industry. MIAI’s broad and diversified field of study makes this research centre a unique experience.

Chosen by an international panel of experts, the activities of the MIAI will be regularly evaluated in order to verify and validate the level of research carried out by the various Chairs. This external and independent evaluation will make it possible to ensure a high level of requirement and provide guarantees on the quality of the work provided.

The aim, beyond scanning all the subjects interested in artificial intelligence, is to create a dynamic that allows researchers to work together and build common projects despite the barriers that may arise between disciplines. This interdisciplinary centre is a continuation of initiatives launched in Grenoble universities such as the Grenoble CyberSecurity Institute or the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute.


Meet Our Executive Board

Théodore Christakis


Professor of International & European Law, University Grenoble Alpes. Member: Institut Universitaire de France; French National Digital Council (CNNum); French National Committee for Digital Ethics (CNPEN); EIT-Health Consultative group on AI, Data, Industrial & Cybersecurity Policy. Senior Fellow with the Cross-Border Data Forum. Director, Center for International Security & European Studies (CESICE); co-Director, Grenoble Alpes Data Institute. As an international expert he has advised Governments, International Organisations & the private sector on issues concerning international law, cyber security law, AI regulation & data protection.


Karine Bannelier

Deputy Director

Associate Professor in International Law, University Grenoble Alpes. Deputy Director Grenoble Alpes Cybersecurity Institute; Co-director WorkPackage5 Data Governance, Data Protection and Privacy, Grenoble Alpes Data Institute. Invitations to present papers or seminars more than 80 times in 22 countries. Publications and co-edition of 8 books and more than 50 articles and book chapters.


Claude Castelluccia

Scientific Director

Claude Castelluccia is a Research Director at INRIA. He is a founding-member of the Privatics Group, member and co-founder of the UGA Data and Cybersecurity institutes. He is teaching at the Université Grenoble-Alpes (UGA) (CS ans Law departments), Skema business school and SciencePo Paris. His main research interests are data privacy & surveillance, manipulation & cognitive security and trusted & ethical algorithmic decision systems (ADS)


Theodoros Karathanasis

Research Fellow & Doctor of European Law

Theodoros Karathanasis is a Doctor of European law at the University of Grenoble Alpes. He is attached to the Centre for International Security and European Cooperation Studies (CESICE) and his research work in the field of cybersecurity has been funded by the Grenoble Alpes Institute of Cybersecurity. He is a member of the cyber experts network of the European Centre of Excellence for Combating Hybrid Threats (HybridCoE), as well as the EU CyberNet expert network.

Cornelia Kutterer

Adjunct Senior Research Fellow

Cornelia Kutterer is a Research Fellow at the Chair. Her research interest is the interplay of technology law and advances in fairness, accountability, and transparency of socio-technical systems as well as applied AI governance and ethics in organizations. She is a qualified German lawyer and holds a law degree from the University of Hamburg and a master’s degree of information technology and telecommunication law from the Strathclyde university in Glasgow. She worked for 15 years at the forefront of digital innovation and responsible policies at Microsoft, including on responsible AI, privacy, human rights, safety, law enforcement, content, and market regulation. Before joining Microsoft, she led the legal department of the European Consumer Organisation BEUC and gained experience in a top 10 law firm and the European Parliament.





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