Initiated by France and Canada, the Partnership also includes Australia, the European Union, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The EIT Health Consultative Group, which includes as a member Professor Theodore Christakis (AI Regulation Chair at MIAI and co-director of the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute), submitted this report to provide informed views on the European Commission’s Data Strategy and AI White Paper.
While Americans may caricature the EU’s position as just the latest example of its “rules first” approach to technology regulation, in fact it is positive that it favors selective, sector-specific and risk-based regulation, consider two US Scholars
Health AI can offer great benefits to society as preventing diseases, healing, or finding remedies. However, it carries important risks.
Towards a European mega-database for facial recognition shared with third countries? It’s the wish of some EU countries, led by Austria
The European Commission released its White Paper on AI, followed by a suite of other papers on the EU’s digital strategy.
Health AI can offer great benefits to society as preventing diseases, healing, or finding remedies. However, it carries important risks.
Like Singapore, Atlanta or London, the city of Nice recently undertook a series of trials using artificial intelligence technologies.
EPBD released guidelines focusing on personal data processing in the context of connected vehicules and mobility related apllications.