Nous publions aujourd’hui un pdf en français avec une table des matières interactive permettant de naviguer facilement dans le texte final du Règlement européen sur l’IA.
We publish today a pdf with an interactive Table of Contents permitting to navigate easily the final text of the AI Act! This is part of our series of tools to help practitioners and the academic community navigate through the lengthy and complex AI Regulation.
The following article features a comprehensive visualization pyramid designed to illustrate the risk-based approach of the EU AI Act in a single, intuitive graphic. This tool is intended to be useful to academics, students, practitioners, data and AI enthusiasts, as well as anyone keenly interested in the imminent adoption of the EU AI Regulation.
In anticipation of AI Act’s publication on the Official Journal of the EU, the MIAI AI-Regulation Chair publishes an interactive Table of Contents (ToC) to help practitioners and the academic community navigating the lengthy and complex text of 252 pages, by enabling users to “click” and be directly transferred to different Titles, Chapters, and Articles.
This article delves into the EU’s groundbreaking rules for general-purpose AI (GPAI) models, as outlined in the politically agreed-upon AI Act on December 8th. It scrutinizes key questions, including whether this approach deviates from the original risk-based proposal, navigates the complexities of risk management in foundational models, and grapples with the uncertainties in benchmarking methods.
On December 15th, 2022, the European Union adopted an interinstitutional declaration on digital rights and principles that will guide the EU’s ambition to be “digitally sovereign in an open and interconnected world, and to pursue digital policies that empower people and businesses to seize a human centred, sustainable and more prosperous digital future”.