In October 2024 the International Enforcement Cooperation Working Group (IECWG) from the Global Privacy Agency(GPA) issued a Concluding Joint Statement on data scraping and the protection of privacy. It completes the Initial Joint Statement on data scraping and the protection of privacy published in August 2023. It contains three objectives: firstly, to outline the key privacy risks associated with data scraping; secondly, to set out how Social Media Companies (SMCs) and other organisations should protect individual personal information; and thirdly, to set out measures that individuals can take to protect their personal data. 
On October 13th, 2023, the European Commission launched a stakeholder survey on the eleven draft guiding principles for Generative AI (GAI) and other advanced AI systems. This initiative comes a few days after the 8th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, organised by the United Nations.