On November 23rd, 2022 an article by Le Parisien, a French Newspaper, revealed that the French Government had dropped its project to deploy facial recognition to support security arrangements at the 2024 Paris Olympics. In fact, the debate on the possible implementation of facial recognition systems during the Olympic Games is part of a broader debate which divides political leaders on whether AI-driven biometric systems should be used to monitor public places.
On September 3rd, 2021, the Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (the GPDP – Italian data protection authority), issued an official request to the local Health authority USL Roma 3, to provide information about its deploying of AI technologies to combat Covid19.
The French government issued a decree on March 10, 2021 authorising automated analysis of the rate of compliance with the obligation to wear a mask on public transport
On July 16th 2020, the UK Government launched a call for views on its proposals for regulating consumer smart product cyber security
Like Singapore, Atlanta or London, the city of Nice recently undertook a series of trials using artificial intelligence technologies.
In Europe, many countries are seriously considering the use of facial recognition technologies, with the United Kingdom leading the way
The French DPA, has issued formal notices to two electricity supply companies for non-compliance with GDPR on their connected meters practices.