On November 23rd, 2022 an article by Le Parisien, a French Newspaper, revealed that the French Government had dropped its project to deploy facial recognition to support security arrangements at the 2024 Paris Olympics. In fact, the debate on the possible implementation of facial recognition systems during the Olympic Games is part of a broader debate which divides political leaders on whether AI-driven biometric systems should be used to monitor public places.
In 2019, Buenos Aires City Council introduced the ‘Facial Recognition for Fugitives System’ (Sistema de Reconocimiento Facial de Prófugos (SNRP)), which involved deploying 9,500 surveillance cameras equipped with facial recognition technology.
After a preleminary initiative was announced in January 2021, the European Digital Rights (EDRi) organisation and 55 others sent a new letter to Didier Reynders (European Commissioner for Justice) on April 1st, 2021 to support their demand for a specific ban on biometric mass surveillance technologies.
On December 7, 2020, the European Commission (EC) registered and approved a request for a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) entitled Reclaim Your Face: Ban Biometric Mass Surveillance.
A French court canceled today a decision by the South-Est Region of France (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur – PACA) to undertake a series of tests using facial recognition at the entrance of two High schools
Towards a European mega-database for facial recognition shared with third countries? It’s the wish of some EU countries, led by Austria
Like Singapore, Atlanta or London, the city of Nice recently undertook a series of trials using artificial intelligence technologies.
In Europe, many countries are seriously considering the use of facial recognition technologies, with the United Kingdom leading the way